Thursday, May 8, 2008

boyfriends couldn't care less...

ya, that's true...
no, it's definitely not..
these are my answers to the two questions that would pop into the minds of people who actually bother to read my blog... (i am not sure there are many, but i like to be optimistic)
it is true that i think like this and no, this is not another male bashing site of a disillusioned feminist just out of an english honors course in college...
it just says from my experience... have not been lucky enough to have many of them...boyfriends i mean...but somehow this very fact makes me a non-contender in the race of boyfriend collection, and thus, i have many friends who share there deepest and darkest secrets with me (it's not as bad as you think) and i am something of an agony aunt in some wierd magazine that is published by some wierd people and read by wierder ones.

an expert in relationships this makes me i am sure...
one thing i have seen everywhere, don't know whether this makes girls the whiny, complaining creatures that they are always made out to be or the boys, the ice cold personalities who care about nothing else but having an arm candy...
times have changed without a doubt with girls having their career as their first priority, family second...but the basic college going girl remains the same..
and there is a separate thrill about this entire thing that i feel in these relationships that makes them effervescent...
what i was talking about was that probably guys do not care about what the girl's family thinks about him like the girls do...
it doesn't really matter to them...
what the heck..
i m not being able to put it the way i want to...
i hate when this happens
i will pick this up sometime else...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm... you are right... you were not able to express it properly... try again, madri...
